Beekeeping Beginners How To Start Beekeeping Beginners Quickly & Easily ::

Complete Guide Shows You Step-By-Step…

“How To Start Beekeeping Even If
You're An Absolute Beginner!"

If You're Ready To Have Fun With Beekeeping & Enjoy
Fresh, Home-Harvested Honey, Keep Reading!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Dear Beekeeping Enthusiast,

There's just something about honey. Something that makes it special.


Maybe it's the fact that it's an insect that creates a food product that's enjoyed by millions of humans every year. (400 million pounds are consumed every year in the America alone)

Maybe it's the wonder that an insect can create something that's so sweet and tasty.

Whatever it is, you and I both know that honey is an extra-special food.

Maybe that's why there are as many as 200,000 beekeepers in the United States, most of which are hobbyists.

And that's probably why you are here on this page... wishing you, too, could join the crowd and start beekeeping.

But when it comes to beekeeping...

Many People Don't Know Where To Start!

You may have dreams in your head about your own honeybee colony. But you may have had questions and problems pop into your mind just as quickly.

It can be a little overwhelming and discouraging!

"If only there was an all-in-one resource that would teach me all I need to know to get started with beekeeping," you might be wishing.

I have good news for you: now there is a resource just like that!


Introducing "Beekeeping For Beginners"

Finally - something for beginners!

Even if you don't know anything about beekeeping, you'll find all the basics of beekeeping that you need to know in "Beekeeping For Beginners".

This guide will take you from knowing next to nothing about beekeeping to enjoying your first harvest of honey!

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Who Is This Crazy-Looking Guy?

The guy on the right is Charles Dadant, one of the founding fathers of modern beekeeping.

In his lifetime, Dadant acquired The American Bee Journal, a publication for beekeepers that is still being printed today - 145+ years after it started!

He was, without doubt, a master beekeeper. His son, Camille Dadant, was able to learn from his father's extensive array of experience.

Camille Dadant wrote a book on beekeeping, giving away all the secrets he had learned from his father.

You can read all his wisdom in the eBook, "Beekeeping For Beginners." This is a 2008 completely rewritten version of his book!


     In "Beekeeping For Beginners," You'll Discover...
How you too can start beekeeping, step-by-step!
How your bees "ripen" your honey (hint: see your bees doing this, and you know your honey is being ripened!) (page 27)
The best time of year to start beekeeping (page 35)
How to tell and what to do if your queen bee dies (page 62)
Where to keep bees (Live in the city? No problem!) (page 32)
What to make a "watering trough" for your bees out of (page 29)
What kind of bees should you get? (page 38)
What "swarming" is and why bees are so peaceable during it (page 52)
How to remove bees from a frame to put them in their new home (page 51)
Using a smoker to make your bees completely calm (page 41)
What direction should your hives face? (page 35)
Who should keep bees? (page 32)
If you live north of ________, you should winter your hives (indoors or outdoors) - here's how (page 94)
What kind of hive should you use for your bees? (page 47)
The best trees, plants, and flowers for bees to produce as much and as best honey as possible (page 103)
The two simple & easy things you can buy to be safe from bee stings (page 41)
How many hives you should start with (page 36)
Where not to stand when walking around a hive (page 42)
How to safely handle bees (page 40)
The best places to store your harvested honey (page 127)
How to easily drive away ants and other enemies from your hives (page 116)
A small, inexpensive tool you'll want for beekeeping (page 42)
What kind of clothes NOT to wear when around a hive (page 42)
Keeping a see-through "observation" hive (page 114)
How to divide a colony of bees (page 60)
How to remove honey from a hive (page 84)
And so, so much more! You wouldn't have the patience to read everything if I listed it all here. (If you have a question about beekeeping that's not listed here, chances are it's in "Beekeeping For Beginners!")


"Thanks For A Great Book"

"Hi Keith,

I ordered your book Beekeeping For Beginners back in maybe Dec. or Jan. and have been hooked! I ... have ordered two packages of bees and have two nucs ordered. One of my daughters is also getting a hive. ...

I look forward to your e-mails and enjoy reading them. Thanks for a great book, it really gave me a good start to an enjoyable hobby, and more.

Thanks again."

Linden Moss
Clay City, Indiana

"Really Enjoyed Your Book"

"I don't know if you will get the pic but here it is, also I really enjoyed your book, It really made up my mind to raise bee's, I plan on getting started this spring.

  My neighbors are also supportive as there haven't been many bee's lately to polinate their gardens. Thanks!"

Bill Medlin

"Excellent Source of Information
For The Beginner Beekeeper"

"The book, Beekeeping For Beginners, is an informative, well illustrated, and well documented book for those people just starting with beekeeping.

The book has all the necessary basic information a person would want to know that were starting out in the field without overloading the reader with all kinds of technical knowledge.

The book did answer several of my questions that I had been thinking about for some time.  The book is well written and is an excellent source of information for the beginner beekeeper."

Dave Burns

A Warning About Beekeeping

Beekeeping is NOT for everyone.


Because beekeeping is a slightly "different" hobby.

It's not a simple hobby like video gaming, or even bottle collecting or coin collecting.

It's a hobby where you learn, go outside to work, and then enjoy the rewards when you harvest your first crop of honey.

But here's my real warning...

It can be really easy to get frustrated. But there's a reason so many people get frustrated.

They don't have a good guide to follow!

That's exactly what "Beekeeping for Beginners" is. Whether you know some things about beekeeping already or know nothing about beekeeping, "Beekeeping for Beginners" will get you started with the information you need to know!

4 Huge Benefits of Beekeeping...

Beekeeping takes some work, but you'll get so much out of it. Here are just 4 ways you'll benefit from beekeeping!

  Getting that exercise! For many people, it's hard to find a reason to go out and exercise. In beekeeping, you'll find a great way to get outside, get moving, and get some fresh air! (But don't worry... your workout won't be too strenuous)

  Learning about nature. Yes, yes, I know - I said the word "LEARN" - but don't worry. Beekeeping isn't the same as reading a dry school textbook. That's the beauty of it!  You can immerse yourself in nature, learning more about it, while still having lots of fun!

  Using your time in a constructive way. Think of how many hours everyone wastes on basically pointless activities, just to use up their time - watching TV shows, playing video games, surfing the internet, to mention a few. What if there was a way to use your time more constructively? Beekeeping is a perfect way to do that!

  Let's not forget the honey! Just imagine what it will feel like bringing in that first harvest of honey. Taking your first taste of that fresh honey... giving away jars of "home-made" honey away to friends and family... It's such a rewarding feeling!

There's no doubt beekeeping is a worthwhile hobby. But now -

You Need To Ask Yourself This Question...

"Am I going to take the route of learning everything by myself about beekeeping?"

Sure, you could do that - pulling a little information from this source, searching for the question to another beekeeping question, trying to put it all together....

But that's the hard route!

Why not take the easy route instead?

All you have to do is invest a bit of money to get a guide, Beekeeping for Beginners, that will show you exactly how to get started with beekeeping.

I think the choice is simple!

"OK Keith - So What's The Cost For
This Incredible Resource?"

Let's do a quick comparison...

One of the popular ways to learn beekeeping is to attend a beekeeping class or course. I did a quick search on beekeeping courses, and three of the sites I found had prices of over $100, over $150, and over $300 respectively.

What would be a fair price for "Beekeeping For Beginners"? Well, the average cost of the three classes I just listed is about $180. If I charged just half of that, the price of "Beekeeping For Beginners" would be $90.

But I'm not even going to charge you half of that! Your investment for the entire "Beekeeping For Beginners" eBook is just $27.00!

You'll never have to worry about keeping up with a class because you can go at any pace you'd like. You'll never have to spend lots of money for a class, spend time and money on transportation, and find a parking space.

2 FREE Bonuses Come With
Beekeeping For Beginners

Free Bonus #1: "Beekeeping Quick Start Guide"

In this free bonus eBook, you'll discover:

What to consider when you start beekeeping
- A list of exactly what equipment you need to start beekeeping
- A "best resource" list for purchasing beekeeping supplies
Four ways to acquire the bees you need for your colony
- How to manage & raise queen bees
- How to keep bees in a suburban area
- And more!
Free Bonus #2: "How To Extract Honey"

Discover how to extract your harvested honey from honeycombs in this free bonus eReport.

You'll find out what tools you'll need, how to make extracting easier, and about other equipment you can use if you have lots of honey from multiple colonies to harvest.

This offer is good enough, right? Not for someone who over-delivers like me! I decided to offer something unheard of. It's...

My Huge, Risk-Free 6-Month,
100% Money-Back Guarantee

Digital eBook


Order Now!

Digital eBook Version of "Beekeeping For Beginners" & 2 Free Bonuses

Why wait? You could be reading "Beekeeping For Beginners" and your 2 free bonuses on the computer in 5 minutes from now, on your way to becoming a master beekeeper!

Not $39.95
 Just $27.00!


   100% Secure Ordering System  


Want A Print Version?

After you purchase the eBook above, you'll be offered the opportunity to get the full "Beekeeping For Beginners" home study course with printed copies of the book & bonuses and audio CD's for just $40 additional.



 Keith Gilbert

P.S. Remember, "Beekeeping For Beginners" is the eBook that will take you from knowing little or nothing about beekeeping to enjoying your first harvest of honey! It is the key that will unlock the world of beekeeping for you. Order now.

P.S.S. Don't forget about the 2 valuable bonuses you'll receive free when you order - the "Beekeeping Quick Start Guide" eBook and the "How To Extract Honey" eReport. I thought of offering only "Beekeeping For Beginners" for your purchase price with neither of the bonuses, but I like to over-deliver!

P.S.S.S. One last thing. It may sound cheesy, but it's true: Beekeeping can truly make a huge positive impact on your life. Don't put this off a day. I know it's easy just to stick this site in your website bookmarks folder, but if you're like me, and almost never go back to your bookmarks, you'll lose out on this extremely valuable resource, and never even realize it!  Grab your copy of "Beekeeping For Beginners" - you'll be able to read the eBook and bonuses 5 minutes from now!

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BeeKeeping Beginners - Why Honey Bees Are the Ones to Keep
BeeKeeping Beginners - How to safely handle bees and not get stung
Beekeeping Beginners - What is Pollination?
Beginner Beekeeping - How Do Bees Make Honey?
Beginner Beekeeping - The place to select for beekeeping
Beekeeping Beginners - Now is a great time to join the ranks of Beekeeper!

Bee Hive Tips - About Bee Hives - Beekeeping Propolis - Wax and Combs - Bee Swarms - Honey Bee Broods - Buying Honey Bees - Honey Bee Drones - Establishing An Apiary - Honey Bee Food - Honey Bee History - Robber Bees - Transferring Bees - Worker Honey Bees - Working with Bees

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